Roberto García-Roa & Arnaud Badiane had a huge success at BMC Ecology’s photo competition. Featured in The Guardian!
Category Archives: Divulgation & Media
Why do the sexes age differently?
Our recent paper on sex-specific ageing in Spanish (La Vanguardia, La Razón, ) and international (Science Daily) media.
Sex and boldness explain learning in lizards
Brotherly love modulates sexual conflict
International press: In New York Times, In Medical Daily, Los Angeles Times, NERC Planet Earth
Spanish press: Agencia SINC, Pú, Mètode
Why are men hairier than women?
Ever wondered why men are hairier than women? Check out the answer at Mètode (In english/In spanish)
Letter at ‘El Pais’ newspaper
Brief opinion piece in El Pais (leading spanish newspaper) on current science policy in Spain.
Lizards are smarter than they look!
Our recent Biology Letters paper was picked up by different international media including ABC Science!
Mini-documentary on human evolution and behaviour
Brief 5 min mini-documentary about evolution and human behaviour (In spanish).
Can beetles count?
Beetles share one of our core systems of number! Our recent paper was picked up by various spanish newspapers: El Pais, ABC, La Vanguardia.